Cafetalista Supports the Front Liners
As with the majority of the SMEs around the country and across the globe, Cafetalista is very much affected by this crisis. It was one crisis to the other starting with the Taal eruption, but we will not throw in the towel yet. We’re hanging on to survive.
We were open (while most of the stores were closed during the lock down) for take out and delivery only to still be able to serve our community (Nuvali and Canlubang area) and for the sake of our employees. We were the only restaurant along The Junction Strip Mall that was open consistently serving Carmelray Industrial Park 1, Nuvali Villages and Canlubang area during the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) period.
Our grill and acoustic nights were doing very well before the crisis and our regulars are asking “When will Cafetalista resume normal grill operations?” Since our regulars are looking for the usual jamming sessions with our Cafetalista Trio, we thought that this can be an option given the situation. Our talents prepared these songs for you.
We especially dedicate these songs for all the front liners including our staff who took the risk to be of service to the community. It is our commitment…. rain or shine, pandemic or not, to continuously serve… with a SMILE
We hope you’ll enjoy these simple presentations from our Cafetalista Trio – Nicole, Kurt and Rayan. Stay safe everyone.
Song Title: “Oo” by Up Dharma Down
Performed by: Cafetalista Trio
From your Cafetalista and Entrepz team
#supportyourcommunity #bouncebackph